The @cef-ebsi/ebsi-did-resolver
library supports the did:ebsi
In order to resolve DID documents, the EBSI DID resolver requires the did-resolver
library, which is the primary interface for resolving DIDs.
npm install @cef-ebsi/ebsi-did-resolver
or if you use yarn
yarn add @cef-ebsi/ebsi-did-resolver
Resolving a DID document
The library provides a resolver that is meant to be used through the did-resolver
import { Resolver } from "did-resolver";
import { getResolver } from "@cef-ebsi/ebsi-did-resolver";
// You must set the address of the DID Registry to be used in order to resolve Legal Entities DID documents
const resolverConfig = {
registry: "",
// getResolver will return an object with a key/value pair of { "ebsi": resolver } where resolver is a function used by the generic DID resolver.
const ebsiResolver = getResolver(resolverConfig);
const didResolver = new Resolver(ebsiResolver);
.then((doc) => console.log);
// You can also use ES7 async/await syntax
const doc = await didResolver.resolve("did:ebsi:zub5ZZUfHLLptCduwEy8xRj");
Creating a DID
The library exposes a method allowing you to create a DID from the given subject identifier bytes:
import { util } from "@cef-ebsi/ebsi-did-resolver";
import { randomBytes } from "node:crypto";
const subjectIdentifierBytes = randomBytes(16); // An array of 16 random bytes
const did = util.createDid(subjectIdentifierBytes);
// Example: "did:ebsi:ztRBFfMCY7VAGHH1Ba8Q5o9"
Axios config defaults
The library uses the global axios instance to make HTTP requests. If needed, you can specify config defaults. More information on axios configuration can be found here.
For instance, if you want to override the default HTTPS agent with a custom agent using https-proxy-agent, you can do it like so:
import axios from "axios";
import { HttpsProxyAgent } from "https-proxy-agent";
axios.defaults.httpsAgent = new HttpsProxyAgent("");