Track and Trace API is used to timestamp documents and write events on top of it. The timestamp can be taken from the blockchain or can be linked to external sources with its corresponding proof. With this guide you will be able to create a document, grant access to other accounts, and write events.
Create a document
Load the Legal Entity
Load the keys of the Legal Entity:
==> using user ES256K did1 <PRIVATE_KEY_ES256K> <DID>
==> using user ES256 did1 <PRIVATE_KEY_ES256> <DID>
Now connect the wallet with the pilot environment:
==> env pilot
Request permission to be a creator
Contact with Support Office or the authorised authority in order to list your legal entity in the authorised DIDs to create documents. Once it is done you can check if you are a creator by running:
==> tnt head /accesses?creator= user.did
Request access token
Request an access token to the authorisation API with the scope tnt_create
==> resAuthTNT: authorisation auth tnt_create_presentation ES256
Now load the access token:
==> using token resAuthTNT.access_token
Create document
Create the document:
==> tnt createDocument 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c my-metadata user.did
To create a document with external metadata define the timestamp and the hash of the external proof at the end:
==> tnt createDocument 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c my-metadata user.did 2024-01-01 0xae3e3d2c20698c1ebf7888b3c965cf1f30834307b7396b966c9abc11996e13ef
Finally, get the document from the blockchain:
==> tnt get /documents/0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c
"metadata": "my-metadata",
"timestamp": {
"datetime": "0x65920080",
"source": "external",
"proof": "0xae3e3d2c20698c1ebf7888b3c965cf1f30834307b7396b966c9abc11996e13ef"
"events": [],
"creator": "did:ebsi:zkrLJ5WyqiHbiXjur3TqzfA"
You have registered a document in Track and Trace
Grant access
Now let's grant access to other account to write events in the document.
Request access token
Request an access token to the authorisation API with the scope tnt_write
==> resAuthTNT: authorisation auth tnt_write_presentation ES256
Now load the access token:
==> using token resAuthTNT.access_token
Grant access to other account
You can grant access for "write" (to write events) or "delegate" (with this permission the subject can grant write access to other accounts).
==> tnt grantAccess 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c user.did did:ebsi:znbuGDt6tEqpGZNAuGc2uvZ write
Now get the accesses linked to the document:
==> tnt get /documents/0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c/accesses
"self": "[after]=1&page[size]=10",
"items": [
"subject": "did:ebsi:zkrLJ5WyqiHbiXjur3TqzfA",
"grantedBy": "did:ebsi:zkrLJ5WyqiHbiXjur3TqzfA",
"permission": "creator",
"documentId": "0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c"
"subject": "did:ebsi:znbuGDt6tEqpGZNAuGc2uvZ",
"grantedBy": "did:ebsi:zkrLJ5WyqiHbiXjur3TqzfA",
"permission": "write",
"documentId": "0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c"
"total": 2,
"pageSize": 10,
"links": {
"first": "[after]=1&page[size]=10",
"prev": "[after]=1&page[size]=10",
"next": "[after]=1&page[size]=10",
"last": "[after]=1&page[size]=10"
You have granted access to other account to write events
Write an event
Request access token
Request an access token to the authorisation API with the scope tnt_write
==> resAuthTNT: authorisation auth tnt_write_presentation ES256
Now load the access token:
==> using token resAuthTNT.access_token
Write event
To write an event define the arguments in this order: documentHash, externalHash, sender, origin, metadata, and optionally timestamp and timestampProof:
==> tnt writeEvent 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c 0x9265031a923088137405ffc270a56bf2d4df87495eada46257352356071b009e user.did my-origin my-metadata
Finally, get the document from the blockchain to see the events:
==> tnt get /documents/0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c
"metadata": "my-metadata",
"timestamp": {
"datetime": "0x65920080",
"source": "external",
"proof": "0xae3e3d2c20698c1ebf7888b3c965cf1f30834307b7396b966c9abc11996e13ef"
"events": [
"creator": "did:ebsi:zkrLJ5WyqiHbiXjur3TqzfA"
You have submitted an event to a document