This section describe the complete list of commands that can be called in the command line interface.
Set, Using, View, Env, Run, Exit
using user <algorithm> <didMethod> <privateKey> <did> <keyId>
Command to load a client in the CLI with one of the supported algorithms (ES256, RS256, EdDSA).
- algorithm (optional): Algorithm. It must be ES256K (default), ES256, RS256, or EdDSA. Use "null" to remove the user.
- didMethod (optional): Did method version. It must be "did1" (default, legal entities), or "did2" (natural persons).
- privateKey (optional): Private Key in hex string or JWK format. In the case of connection with a hardware wallet use the word "hardwarewallet". By default it creates a random key. The hex string is only valid if the algorithm selected is ES256K or ES256.
- did (optional): DID of the client. It should start with "did:ebsi" (or another did method registered in the did registry). There is no specific format for the complete did, but it is recommend to use in the third section a 256-bit number encoded in base58. By default it defines a random DID.
- keyId (optional): Key identifier registered in the verifications methods of the did document.
using user ES256K did1 f19863112d798add7c8df9a100a9ed961e7e7986c2e9042506840c8695e38800 did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz
using user ES256 did2
using user ES256 did1 {"kty":"EC","crv":"P-256","x":"...","y":"...","d":"..."} did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz keys-2
using user null
(remove user)
How to re-login with the CLI
Using the example here:
The private keys would be:
- ES256K - The string in privateKeyHex without the first two characters (which will be 0x):
- ES256 - The JSON object: keys > ES256 > privateKeyJwk
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"x": "Vm7_Vhz07e9UoblDw1rmd29bV6ykcut4npLnqhhQlVk",
"y": "uISs1AK-TVo0duSg3AvFuBNgBPp7ex4dWmYvkFN8uRk",
"d": "O26b4UPVx_MMrzs8ibq0PCIHInEcHdouYy9mDcYcCk8"
and the keyID would be:
- ES256K - keys > ES256K > id
"ES256K": {
"id": "k0G8kZ0UxsxGLYiiAhRUgtLtFzu-ZpbvzFtpJIH63ZI"
- ES256 - keys > ES256 > id
"ES256": {
"id": "eJYROV5PYyRZxjF7QABzsd7ooTw5bFNm2Ytt6bAxySQ"
Note that keyID can be empty and the app will generate it automatically by calculating the thumbprint of the key.
So if we put this all together here are the commands you would need to re-present your keys to the CLI:
==> using user {KEY_TYPE} did1 {KEY} {DID} {KEY_ID}
==> using user ES256K did1 3b6e9be143d5c7f30caf3b3c89bab43c220722711c1dda2e632f660dc61c0a4f did:ebsi:zzcJJuM4Z4AUKdL8kdMEKNw k0G8kZ0UxsxGLYiiAhRUgtLtFzu-ZpbvzFtpJIH63ZI
==> using user ES256 did1 {"kty":"EC","crv":"P-256","x":"Vm7_Vhz07e9UoblDw1rmd29bV6ykcut4npLnqhhQlVk","y":"uISs1AK-TVo0duSg3AvFuBNgBPp7ex4dWmYvkFN8uRk","d":"O26b4UPVx_MMrzs8ibq0PCIHInEcHdouYy9mDcYcCk8"} did:ebsi:zzcJJuM4Z4AUKdL8kdMEKNw eJYROV5PYyRZxjF7QABzsd7ooTw5bFNm2Ytt6bAxySQ
using ethuser <privateKey> <did>
Command to call using user ES256K <didMethod> <privateKey> <did>
using token <token>
Command to setup a bearer token for the subsequents calls to the APIs. It's also possible to load a JWT previously saved in the CLI (see set var
) by referencing its name.
- token: JWT to set in the headers. Leave it empty to remove the token from the headers.
using token eyJ0eXAiOiJ...
using token token1
using token
(token removed)
set <var> <value>
Command to set a variable. Use it to load different JWTs in the CLI. You can also store the results when calling the different APIs.
- var: Variable name
- value: Value to store
set token1 eyJhbG...
r: compute randomID
view <id>
Command to view the data stored in the internal variables.
- id: ID of the variable
view token
(JWT used in the headers).view user
(view user set withusing user
).view transactionInfo
(view relevant info related to the most recent transaction built/sent).
env <environment>
Command to set the environment. By default the CLI starts pointing to Test Environment.
env test
env pilot
env conformance
version <vesion>
Command to switch the versions of the APIs.
- version: It must be "stable" or "upcoming".
run <file>
This repository contains a script folder with some scripts that provide you examples of how you can easily run multiple commands in a single execution. You can also create your own scripts in any folder and reference the path when running the command.
run onboarding
run local/my-script.txt
Command to exit from the CLI.
Load and Export
Set of functions to read and write data in the file system.
load <pathToFile>
Command to read data from the file system. If the path is not absolute it will take it relative to the scripts folder. The content is read as string (utf8) or JSON.
- pathToFile: File to load.
payloadVcOnboard: load assets/VerifiableAuthorisationToOnboard.json
export <data> <pathToFile>
Command to write data in the file system. If the path is not absolute it will be relative to the current working directory.
- pathToFile: File to write the data.
export user.keys.ES256.publicKeyPem myKey.pem
compute signTransaction <unsignedTransaction>
Command to sign a transaction with the private key defined in using user
. It's also possible to load it from the saved variables by referencing its name.
- unsignedTransaction: JSON with the unsigned transaction (ethereum).
compute signTransaction 0xf9...
compute signTransaction utx
sgnTx: compute signTransaction utx
compute createVpJwt <verifiableCredential> <vpPayload> <jwtPayload> <alg>
Command to generate a Verifiable Presentation using the "vp_jwt" format. The presentation is signed with the user defined in using user
- verifiableCredential: Verifiable credential or list of veriable credentials in JWT format.
- vpPayload: Extra payload to include in the "vp" field.
- jwtPayload: Extra payload to include outside the "vp" field.
- alg (optional): Signing algorithm to be used. It should be ES256K (default), ES256, RS256, or EdDSA.
compute createVpJwt eyJhb...
compute createVpJwt vc
compute createVpJwt vc {} {"aud":"any", "exp":1739853487}
compute createVcJwt <vcPayload> <jwtPayload> <alg>
Command to create a verifiable credential with JWT format. It automatically defines relevant data like context, type, isssuance date, and expiration data. The credential is signed with the user defined in using user
- vcPayload: Payload to include in "vc" field. Context, id, type, issuer, issuance/expiration date are automatically generated but then can be overwritten.
- jwtPayload: Payload to include outside "vc" field.
- alg (optional): Signing algorithm to be used. It should be ES256K (default), ES256, RS256, or EdDSA. And the private key should be defined for that algorithm (see
using user
compute createVcJwt {"credentialSubject":{"id":"did:ebsi:123"}} {"sub":"did:ebsi:123"}
vc: compute createVcJwt {"credentialSubject":{"id":"did:ebsi:123"}} {"sub":"did:ebsi:123"} ES256
compute signJwt <payload> <alg> <headers>
Command to create a generic JWT.
- payload: JSON payload.
- alg: signing algorithm.
- headers: JSON headers
compute wait <seconds>
Command to wait seconds before calling a new command. It is useful for scripts when it's necessary to wait some time, like mining a transaction in the blockchain.
- seconds: number of seconds to wait.
compute userPin <did>
Command to compute the user's PIN code used in the Issue to Holder test.
- did: DID of the natural person
compute schemaId <schema> <base>
Command to compute the schema ID based on the content.
- schema: JSON schema
- base: Output format. It should be "base16" or "base58btc" (default).
compute checkStatusList2021CredentialSchema <credential>
Command to check if a credential is conformant with the Status List 2021 credential schema. It is useful to debug errors when registering a proxy in the Trusted Issuers Registry because this is one of the validations done in the API.
- credential: Payload of the credential in JSON format.
compute verifyVcJwt <vcJwt> <options> <expectedResult>
Command to verify if a VC is valid or not.
- vcJwt: Verifiable credential as JWT.
- options: Verifiable credential options.
- expectedResult: Set
if you expect this VC to be revoked. Otherwise leave it empty.
compute verifyVcJwt ey... {"skipCredentialSubjectValidation":true}
compute verifyVcJwt ey... {} expectRevoked
compute verifyVpJwt <vpJwt> <audience>
Command to verify if a VP is valid or not.
- vpJwt: Verifiable presentation as JWT.
- audience: Expected audience.
compute did2 <jwk>
Command to compute the DID for natural person (did:key) given a jwk.
- jwk: JWK of the natural person.
compute sha256 <data>
Command to compute the sha256 of some data.
- data: String or JSON object to hash.
compute decodeJWT <jwt>
Command to decode a jwt. It's also possible to load it from the saved variables by referencing its name.
- jwt: JWT to decode.
compute decodeJWT eyJ0e...
compute decodeJWT myJwt
compute encodePublicKey <key> <options>
Command to encode a public key in a specific format.
- key: Key to encode. It can be a private or public key. The input format can be "hex" or "jwk".
- options: JSON containing the fields: algorithm "alg" (optional) and "format" to encode, which can be "hex", "jwk", or "pem".
compute encodePublicKey 0x0434... {"format":"pem","alg":"ES256"}
compute encodePublicKey {"kty":"EC"...} {"format":"pem"}
compute encodePrivateKey <key> <options>
Command to encode a private key in a specific format.
- key: Private key to encode. The input format can be "hex" or "jwk".
- options: JSON containing the fields: algorithm "alg" (optional), "format" to encode (which can be "hex", "jwk", or "pem"), and "type" of pem format if pem is selected.
compute encodePrivateKey 0x34... {"format":"pem","alg":"ES256","type":"sec1"}
compute encodePrivateKey {"kty":"EC"...} {"format":"hex"}
compute encodeBase64 <hex>
Command to encode data as base64.
- hex: Bytes encoded as hex string
compute encodeBase64url <hex>
Command to encode data as base64url.
- hex: Bytes encoded as hex string
compute decodeBase64 <data> <outputType>
Command to decode data encoded in base64. It's also possible to load it from the saved variables by referencing its name.
- data: Data to decode.
- outputType: Output type. It can be "buffer", "json", or "utf8" (default).
compute decodeBase64 eyJ0e...
compute decodeBase64 myData
compute decodeBase64url <data>
Command to decode data encoded in base64url. It's also possible to load it from the saved variables by referencing its name.
- data: Data to decode.
compute decodeBase64url eyJ0e...
compute decodeBase64url myData
compute decodeHex <data>
Command to decode data encoded as hex string. It's also possible to load it from the saved variables by referencing its name.
- data: Data to decode.
compute decodeHex 0x41df...
compute decodeHex 41df...
compute decodeLogs <data>
Command to decode the logs of a transaction receipt. It is also possible to specify the transaction hash and the command will query the corresponding receipt.
- data: Transaction hash, receipt or array of logs.
compute decodeTransaction <data>
Command to decode the arguments of a transaction. It is also possible to specify the transaction hash and the command will query the transaction.
- data: Transaction hash, or transaction object.
compute timestampId <hash>
Command to get the multibase64url of the sha256 of a specific hash, which corresponds with the protocol used in Timestamp API to reference the IDs.
- hash: sha256 of the timestamped data.
compute timestampId 0x37926887dc319ac87cda01caf411bccb9ab8933d97cf3c2d57d3e13aa8bad580
compute recordId <address> <blockNumber> <hash>
Command to compute the record ID stored in Timestamp API. This record is computed from the address that timestamped the data, the block number, and hash of the data.
Important note: This record ID is computed from the first version submitted to the blockchain.
- address: Ethereum address.
- blockNumber: Block number of the timestamp
- hash: sha256 of the timestamped data.
compute recordId 0xecEd9072Fb1c3aD7b9D4Aa5b47A5EB2280908793 123456 0x37926887dc319ac87cda01caf411bccb9ab8933d97cf3c2d57d3e13aa8bad580
compute randomID
Command to compute a random ID of 32 bytes
compute length <array>
Command to get the length of an array
- array: Array of elements
compute epochtime <time>
Command to compute epoch time as number or ISO string.
- time: If no time is set it will return the current time as number. If time is a number (seconds) it will return the ISO string representation. If time is a date as string it will return the epoch time as number in seconds.
compute epochtime
compute epochtime 1739952067
compute epochtime 2025-02-19
compute subaccountDid <did>
Command to compute the subaccount did used in the WCTv3 tests.
- did: DID used in the WCTv3 tests.
compute statusListIndex <did>
Command to compute the statusListIndex used in the client mock of conformance service.
- did: DID used in the WCTv3 tests.
compute thumbprint <hexOrJwk>
Command to compute the thumbprint of a key.
- hexOrJwk: Key in hex format or JWK. The hex format is only for keys with alg ES256K.
compute address <hexOrJwk>
Command to compute the ethereum address of a public key. This key must use the algorithm ES256K.
- hexOrJwk: Key in hex format or JWK.
Hardware wallet
You can use hardware wallets in EBSI to sign ES256 credentials and presentation. For the installation of your hardware wallet in the CLI, follow the Instruction to install OpenSC and OpenPGP app.
All commands start with hardwarewallet
, but for simplicity you can also use hw
hardwarewallet info
Command to get info about your hardware wallet device.
hardwarewallet generatekey
Command to generate a new ES256 key in the OpenPGP app of your device. It requires the introduction of the PIN for admin, which by default is 12345678.
hardwarewallet publickey
Command to get the ES256 public key of your device.
hardwarewallet setpin <account>
Command to change the pin of an account. The OpenPGP app by default uses the PIN 123456
for user and 12345678
for admin.
- account: Account to update. It must be "user" or "admin"
using user ES256 did1 hardwarewallet
Command to link your user with the hardware wallet.
Set of instructions to interact with the conformance service. Check also the scripts located in scripts/wctv3
with complete flows.
conformance get <url>
Command to GET in conformance service. It is useful to get the conformance logs.
- url: Path to get.
data: conformance get /logs/5fd122e1-c5e5-40a6-b448-00e0f21f9d7e
conformance get /logs/ conformanceId
conformance get /health
conformance clientMockInitiate
Some of the tests for the Wallet Conformance Testing require the creation of a server to be used in the PEXv2/OpenID for VP protocol. This command helps you to create this server in the conformance service side, it is called the Client Mock. Take into account that this is a temporary API just for testing purposes and it's persistency it's not guaranteed.
conformance clientMockInitiate
once it's created run view user
to see the URL of your client.
conformance clientMockUpdateList <statusIndex> <statusListIndex> <value>
Command to setup, in the client mock, a service to get the status of revocation of a list of VCs by following the StatusList2021 standard. This command can also be used to update the status of these VCs. Take into account that this service is only for testing purposes and should not be used in production.
- statusIndex: Status index of the url. For instance, use "1" when targeting /credentials/status/1.
- statusListIndex: Bit position of the status of the credential.
- value: 0 for valid, 1 for revoked.
conformance clientMockUpdateList 1 0 0
conformance authMockAuthorize <openIdCredentialIssuer> <openIdConfiguration> <requestedTypes> <alg> <codeVerifier> <issuerState>
Command to call the /authorize endpoint of the auth mock in conformance service. The redirect is intercepted and this command returns the query params in the location field of the headers.
- openIdCredentialIssuer: OpenID credential issuer. It is obtained with
conformance get /issuer-mock/.well-known/openid-credential-issuer
. - openIdConfiguration: OpenID configuration. It is obtained with
conformance get /auth-mock/.well-known/openid-configuration
. - requestedTypes: Array of requested types.
- alg (optional): Signing algorithm (ES256 by default).
- codeVerifier (optional): Code verifier in case of using PKCE challenge.
- issuerState (optional): Issuer state to be included in the query params.
conformance authMockAuthorize {"authorization_server":"","credential_issuer":""} {"authorization_endpoint":""} ["VerifiableCredential","VerifiableAttestation","VerifiableAuthorisationToOnboard"] ES256
conformance authMockDirectPostIdToken <openIdCredentialIssuer> <openIdConfiguration> <issuerRequest> <alg>
Command to call the direct post endpoint of the auth mock of the conformance service by presenting an ID Token. The redirect is intercepted and this command returns the query params in the location field of the headers.
- openIdCredentialIssuer: OpenID credential issuer. It is obtained with
conformance get /issuer-mock/.well-known/openid-credential-issuer
. - openIdConfiguration: OpenID configuration. It is obtained with
conformance get /auth-mock/.well-known/openid-configuration
. - issuerRequest: Object containing state and nonce, which are obtained from the /authorize endpoint.
- alg (optional): Signing algorithm (ES256 by default).
conformance authMockDirectPostIdToken {"authorization_server":"","credential_issuer":""} {"redirect_uris":[""]} {"state":"6dfa6336-4dfd-4461-927f-0e8c5e482cee","client_id":"","redirect_uri":"","response_type":"id_token","response_mode":"direct_post","scope":"openid","nonce":"8b0fbc51-f020-4811-9d8f-0bc8faaaf44a","request_uri":""} ES256
conformance authMockDirectPostVpToken <openIdConfiguration> <issuerRequest> <vpJwt> <type>
Command to call the direct post endpoint of the auth mock of the conformance service by presenting a VP Token. The redirect is intercepted and this command returns the query params in the location field of the headers.
- openIdConfiguration: OpenID configuration. It is obtained with
conformance get /auth-mock/.well-known/openid-configuration
. - issuerRequest: Object containing state and nonce, which are obtained from the /authorize endpoint.
- vpJwt: Verifiable Presentation in JWT format.
- type: It must be "holder" when making a presentation submission related to the Holder Wallet test. Or empty value for other cases.
conformance authMockToken <openIdCredentialIssuer> <openIdConfiguration> <code> <alg> <codeVerifier> <type>
Command to call the /token endpoint of the auth mock in conformance service.
- openIdCredentialIssuer: OpenID credential issuer. It is obtained with
conformance get /issuer-mock/.well-known/openid-credential-issuer
. - openIdConfiguration: OpenID configuration. It is obtained with
conformance get /auth-mock/.well-known/openid-configuration
. - code: Code obtained from the direct post call.
- alg (optional): Signing algorithm (ES256 by default).
- codeVerifier (optional): Code verifier in case of using PKCE challenge.
- type (optional): It must be authorised (default) or preAuthorised.
conformance authMockToken {"authorization_server":"","credential_issuer":""} {"token_endpoint":""} b170601e-fe20-4cf7-860f-782e0c3262fb ES256
conformance issuerMockCredential <openIdCredentialIssuer> <nonce> <requestedTypes> <alg>
Command to call the /credential endpoint of the issuer mock of conformance service. It is used to issue the credential.
- openIdCredentialIssuer: OpenID credential issuer. It is obtained with
conformance get /issuer-mock/.well-known/openid-credential-issuer
. - nonce: c_nonce obtained from the token endpoint.
- requestedTypes: Array of requested types.
- alg (optional): Signing algorithm (ES256 by default).
conformance issuerMockCredential {"credential_issuer":""} 84317381-94b1-43f2-a79d-ee134b02c3cc ["VerifiableCredential","VerifiableAttestation","VerifiableAuthorisationToOnboard"] ES256
conformance issuerMockDeferred <openIdCredentialIssuer> <acceptanceToken>
Command to call the deferred credential endpoint when receiving the credential in deferred way, like in the exchange of requesting a credential to be a Root TAO.
- openIdCredentialIssuer: OpenID credential issuer. It is obtained with
conformance get /issuer-mock/.well-known/openid-credential-issuer
. - acceptanceToken: Acceptance token obtained from the /credential endpoint.
conformance issuerMockInitiateCredentialOffer <initiateCredentialOfferEndpoint> <credentialType>
Command to initiate the credential offer in the issuer mock of the conformance service. It is used during the Holder Wallet test.
- initiateCredentialOfferEndpoint: Initiate credential offer endpoint.
- credentialType: Requested type.
conformance issuerMockInitiateCredentialOffer CTWalletCrossAuthorisedInTime
conformance getCredential <type> <alg> <vc> <issuer>
Command to make the complete presentation exchange (auth mock and issuer mock) in order to get a Verifiable Credential.
- type: Type of presentation exchange to be stablished with the issuer. It must be "onboard", "ti", "tao", "roottao", "ctrevocable", or "qualification".
- alg (optional): Signing algorithm (ES256 by default).
- vc (optional): VC to be wrapped in the verifiable presentation.
- issuer (optional): DID of the issuer if the target is the client mock of conformance service. Otherwise the issuer mock will be targeted.
conformance getCredential onboard
conformance holder <credentialType> <communicationType> <inputAlg> <vc> <typeCredentialOffer> <inputIssuer>
Command to make the complete presentation exchange in order to get a credential for a natural person.
- credentialType: Credential type to be requested. It must be one of the following values: CTWalletSameAuthorisedInTime, CTWalletCrossAuthorisedInTime, CTWalletSameAuthorisedDeferred, CTWalletCrossAuthorisedDeferred, CTWalletQualificationCredential, CTWalletSamePreAuthorisedInTime, CTWalletCrossPreAuthorisedInTime, CTWalletSamePreAuthorisedDeferred, CTWalletCrossPreAuthorisedDeferred, or VerifiablePortableDocumentA1.
- communicationType (optional): It must be authorisedInTime, authorisedDeferred, preAuthorisedInTime, or preAuthorisedDeferred.
- alg (optional): Signing algorithm (ES256 by default).
- vc (optional): VCs to be wrapped in the verifiable presentation. Use empty for no VCs.
- typeCredentialOffer (optional): It must be credential-offer or skip-credential-offer.
- inputIssuer (optional): DID of the issuer if the target is the client mock of conformance service. Otherwise the issuer mock will be targeted.
cPda1: conformance holder VerifiablePortableDocumentA1 authorisedDeferred
conformance holder CTIssueQualificationCredential authorisedInTime ES256 empty skip-credential-offer
conformance holder CTWalletQualificationCredential authorisedInTime ES256 ["ey...", "ey..."]
conformance check <testId>
Command to call the check endpoint of the conformance service in order to verify if a test passed.
- testId: Test ID to be checked.
conformance check ct_wallet_same_pre_authorised_in_time
conformance check request_ct_issue_to_holder_qualification_credential
conformance check verifier_id_token_exchange
conformance check verifier_vp_revoked_vc
Authorisation API
authorisation get <url>
Command to GET in Authorisation API. It is useful to check the health of the api.
- url: Path to get.
authorisation get /health
authorisation token <definitionId> <vpJwt>
Command to call the /token endpoint of Authorisation API.
- definitionId: Definition ID. It must be "didr_invite_presentation", "didr_write_presentation", "tir_invite_presentation", "tir_write_presentation", or "timestamp_write_presentation".
- vpJwt: Verifiable Presentation in JWT format.
authorisation auth <definitionId> <alg> <vc>
Command to make the complete authentication process in the Authorisation API in order to get an access token.
- definitionId: Definition ID. It must be "didr_invite_presentation", "didr_write_presentation", "tir_invite_presentation", "tir_write_presentation", "timestamp_write_presentation", "tnt_authorise_presentation", "tnt_create_presentation", "tnt_write_presentation", "tpr_write_presentation", or "tsr_write_presentation".
- vc (optional): Verifiable Credential to be wrapped during the presentation.
authorisation auth didr_write_presentation
authorisation auth didr_invite_presentation ey...
Ledger API
ledger getBlock <number>
Command to get a block by number.
- number: Block number
ledger getBlock 123
ledger getTransactionCount <address>
Command to get the number of transactions of a particular address.
- address: Ethereum address
ledger getTransactionCount 0x2fCbc96c55e57bed5ae8BC533EF77b977Dc482d7
ledger getChainId
Command to get the chain id of the network.
ledger getChainId
ledger getTransaction <id>
Command to get a transaction by its ID.
- id: Transaction ID
ledger getTransaction 0x2fCb...82d7
ledger getTransactionReceipt <id>
Command to get the receipt of a particular transaction. It also displays the revert reason for failed transactions.
- id: Transaction ID
ledger getTransactionReceipt 0x2fCb...482d7
ledger sendTransaction <signedTransaction>
Command to send transactions to the blockchain.
- signedTransaction: signed transaction in raw format.
ledger sendTransaction 0x2fCb...482d7 0x123456
proxyledger <...>
The command proxyledger
has the same commands as ledger
with the difference that it will call the blockchain directly without going through Ledger API. It can also be used to interact with the smart contracts directly. To enable this feature set the corresponding provider in TEST_BESU_PROVIDER
in the env variables. This command should not be used by externals.
proxyledger timestamp timestampHashes
proxyledger timestamp build-timestampHashes
proxyledger tir insertIssuer did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz {"institution":"eu"}
proxyledger getTransactionReceipt 0x2fCb...482d7
DID Registry API
did get <url>
Command to GET in the DID Registry API. All endpoints are open to the public.
- url: Path to get.
did get /identifiers
did get /identifiers?controller=did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz
did get /identifiers/did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz
did (build-)insertDidDocument <did> <baseDocument> <publicKey> <notBefore> <notAfter> <vMethodId>
Command to insert a new DID document. The JWT is set in the headers.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
did build-insertDidDocument
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
did sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- did (optional): DID to insert. By default it uses the did defined in the command
using user
. - baseDocument (optional): JSON document containing the context.
- publicKey (optional): Public key for the ES256K key.
- notBefore (optional): Time where the key is valid.
- notAfter (optional): Time where the key expires (5 years by default).
- vMethodId (optional): Verification Method ID. By default it is the thumbprint of the public key.
did insertDidDocument
did insertDidDocument did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz
did (build-)updateBaseDocument <did> <baseDocument>
Command to update the base document of a DID document. Use the build-
prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID to update.
- baseDocument: JSON document containing the context.
did (build-)addController <did> <controller>
Command to add a controller to a DID document. Use build-
prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID to update.
- controller: DID of the new controller.
did (build-)revokeController <did> <controller>
Command to remove a controller from a DID document. Use build-
prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID to update.
- controller: DID of the controller to removed.
did (build-)addVerificationMethod <did> <publicKeyOrAlg> <vMethodId>
Command to add a verification method to a DID document. Use build-
prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID to update.
- publicKeyOrAlg: Public key in hex format for ES256K or JWT format for other algs. You can also specify the algorithm and the app will take the corresponding key from the data of the loaded user.
- vMethodId (optional): Verification method ID. If it is not defined it is taken from the keys of the loaded user.
did addVerificationMethod user.did ES256
did (build-)addVerificationRelationship <did> <name> <vMethodIdOrAlg> <notBefore> <notAfter>
Command to add a verification relationship to a DID document. Use build-
prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID to update.
- name: Name of the relationship ("authentication", "assertionMethod", "keyAgreement","capabilityInvocation", or "capabilityDelegation").
- vMethodIdOrAlg: Verification Method ID. You can also specify the algorithm and the app will take the corresponding ID from the loaded user.
- notBefore (optional): Time where the relationship becomes valid. By default it uses the actual time.
- notAfter (optional): Time where the relationship becomes invalid. By default it uses 5 years in the future.
did addVerificationRelationship user.did assertionMethod ES256
did (build-)revokeVerificationMethod <did> <vMethodIdOrAlg> <notAfter>
Command to revoke a verification method and remove the corresponding relationships. Use build-
prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID to update.
- vMethodIdOrAlg: Verification Method ID. You can also specify the algorithm and the app will take the corresponding ID from the loaded user.
- notAfter: Time in the past where the verification method id should be revoked. By default it uses the actual time.
did (build-)expireVerificationMethod <did> <vMethodIdOrAlg> <notAfter>
Command to expire a verification method and remove the corresponding relationships. Use build-
prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID to update.
- vMethodIdOrAlg: Verification Method ID. You can also specify the algorithm and the app will take the corresponding ID from the loaded user.
- notAfter: Time in the future where the verification method id should be expired.
did (build-)rollVerificationMethod <did> <publicKeyOrAlg> <notBefore> <notAfter> <oldVMethodId> <duration> <vMethodId>
Command to roll a verification method, that is, revoke a key and change it for another one. Use build-
prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID to update.
- publicKeyOrAlg: Public key in hex format for ES256K or JWT format for other algs. You can also specify the algorithm and the app will take the corresponding key from the data of the loaded user.
- notBefore: Time where the new key becomes valid.
- notAfter: Time where the new key becomes invalid.
- oldVMethodId: ID of the verification method that will be revoked.
- duration: Transition time where both keys are valid.
- vMethodId: New verification method ID.
did (build-)addService <did> <service>
Command to add a service to the DID document.
- did: DID to update.
- service: JSON object with the new service.
did (build-)revokeService <did> <serviceId>
Command to add a service to the DID document.
- did: DID to update.
- serviceId: service ID.
did sendSignedTransaction <unsignedTransaction> <signedTransaction>
Command to send a signed transaction to the DID Registry. The JWT is set in the headers. It's also possible to load the parameters from the saved variables by referencing the names.
- unsignedTransaction: JSON with the unsigned transaction.
- signedTransaction: Signed transaction in raw format.
did sendSignedTransaction {"from":"0x6b...} 0xf9022...
did sendSignedTransaction utx sgntx
Timestamp API
timestamp get <url>
Command to GET in the Timestamp API. All endpoints are open to the public.
- url: Path to get.
timestamp get /timestamps
timestamp get /timestamps/uMHh...
timestamp get /hash-algorithms
timestamp get /records
timestamp (build-)insertHashAlgorithm <outputLength> <ianaName> <oid> <status> <multihash>
Command to insert a new hash algorithm. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires admin rights in the Trusted Policies Registry.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-insertHashAlgorithm
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- outputLength (optional): JSON data to store. By default it is 1.
- ianaName (optional): IANA name. By default it is "undefined".
- oid (optional): OID. By default it is "undefined".
- status (optional): Status. It must be 1 (default) or 2 which corresponds with active or revoked respectively.
- multihash (optional): Multihash identifier. By default it uses de ianaName.
timestamp insertHashAlgorithm 256 sha-256 2.16.840. 1 sha2-256
timestamp insertHashAlgorithm 512 sha3-512 2.16.840. 1 sha3-512
timestamp (build-)updateHashAlgorithm <hashAlgId> <outputLength> <ianaName> <oid> <status> <multihash>
Command to update an existing hash algorithm. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires admin rights in the Trusted Policies Registry.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-updateHashAlgorithm
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- hashAlgId: Hash Algorithm ID to update.
- outputLength (optional): JSON data to store. By default it is 1.
- ianaName (optional): IANA name. By default it is "undefined".
- oid (optional): OID. By default it is "undefined".
- status (optional): Status. It must be 1 (default) or 2 which corresponds with active or revoked respectively.
- multihash (optional): Multihash identifier. By default it uses de ianaName.
timestamp updateHashAlgorithm 1 256 sha-256 2.16.840. 1 sha2-256
timestamp updateHashAlgorithm 7 512 sha3-512 2.16.840. 1 sha3-512
timestamp (build-)timestampRecordHashes <data> <info>
Command to timestamp data and create a record of it with some info. The JWT is set in the headers.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-timestampRecordHashes
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- data (optional): JSON data to timestamp. By default it creates random data.
- info (optional): JSON info to insert in the record. By default it creates random data.
timestamp timestampRecordHashes
timestamp timestampRecordHashes {"data":"my data"} {"info":"test"}
timestamp (build-)timestampVersionHashes <previousHash> <data> <info>
Command to create a new version of an existing record given the previous version hash. This new version is timestamped. Use it when you don't have the recordId but you have the hash that was timestamped in the previous version. You can not use this function if several records share the same hash, for such cases use timestampRecordVersionHashes
. The JWT is set in the headers. Only record owners are allowed to perform this operation.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-timestampVersionHashes
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- previousHash: Hash timestamped in a previous version
- data (optional): JSON data to timestamp. By default it creates random data.
- info (optional): JSON info to insert in the new version of the record. By default it creates random data.
timestamp timestampVersionHashes 0x12f5...
timestamp timestampVersionHashes 0x12f5... {"data":"my data"} {"info":"test"}
timestamp (build-)timestampRecordVersionHashes <recordId> <data> <info>
Command to create a new version of an existing record. This new version is timestamped. The JWT is set in the headers. Only record owners are allowed to perform this operation.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-timestampRecordVersionHashes
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- recordId: Record ID in hex string format
- data (optional): JSON data to timestamp. By default it creates random data.
- info (optional): JSON info to insert in the new version of the record. By default it creates random data.
timestamp timestampRecordVersionHashes 0x12f5...
timestamp timestampRecordVersionHashes 0x12f5... {"data":"my data"} {"info":"test"}
timestamp (build-)insertRecordOwner <recordId> <ownerId> <notBefore> <notAfter>
Command to insert a new owner in an existing record. The JWT is set in the headers. Only record owners are allowed to perform this operation.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-insertRecordOwner
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- recordId: Record ID in hex string format
- ownerId: Ethereum address of new owner.
- notBefore (optional): Point in time when the owner becomes valid. It should be defined in epoch time. By default it takes the actual time.
- notAfter (optional): Point in time when the owner becomes invalid. It should be defined in epoch time. By default it is 0 (indefinite).
timestamp insertRecordOwner 0x12f5... 0xab54...
timestamp insertRecordOwner 0x12f5... 0xab54... 1625568669 1657104669
timestamp (build-)revokeRecordOwner <recordId> <ownerId>
Command to revoke new owner from an existing record and put it in the revoked list. The JWT is set in the headers. Only record owners are allowed to perform this operation.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-revokeRecordOwner
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- recordId: Record ID in hex string format.
- ownerId: Ethereum address of the owner to revoke.
timestamp revokeRecordOwner 0x12f5... 0xab54...
timestamp (build-)insertRecordVersionInfo <recordId> <versionId> <info>
Command to insert new info to a version of an existing record. The JWT is set in the headers. Only record owners are allowed to perform this operation.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-insertRecordVersionInfo
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- recordId: Record ID in hex string format.
- versionId: Number of the version.
- info (optional): JSON info to insert in the version.
timestamp insertRecordVersionInfo 0x12f5... 1
timestamp insertRecordVersionInfo 0x12f5... 1 {"info":"test"}
timestamp (build-)detachRecordVersionHash <recordId> <versionId> <hash>
Command to remove a hash from a version of an existing record. The JWT is set in the headers. Only record owners are allowed to perform this operation.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-detachRecordVersionHash
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- recordId: Record ID in hex string format.
- versionId: Number of the version.
- hash: Hash of timestamp to detach.
timestamp detachRecordVersionHash 0x12f5... 1 0xfd45...
timestamp (build-)appendRecordVersionHashes <recordId> <versionId> <data> <info>
Command to include more hashes to an existing version. For instance, use it if you want to have different hashes (sha2-256, sha3-512, etc) of the same data. The JWT is set in the headers. Only record owners are allowed to perform this operation.
DISCLAIMER: In the current version the CLI the "data" is hashed with sha2-256. Future versions will include more algorithms.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-appendRecordVersionHashes
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- recordId: Record ID in hex string format
- versionId: Number of the version.
- data (optional): JSON data to timestamp. By default it creates random data.
- info (optional): JSON info to append in the version of the record. By default it creates random data.
timestamp appendRecordVersionHashes 0x12f5... 1
timestamp appendRecordVersionHashes 0x12f5... 1 {"data":"my data"} {"info":"test"}
timestamp (build-)timestampHashes <data>
Command to timestamp data. The JWT is set in the headers.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
timestamp build-timestampHashes
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
timestamp sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- data (optional): JSON data to timestamp. By default it creates random data.
timestamp timestampHashes
timestamp timestampHashes {"data":"my data"}
timestamp sendSignedTransaction <unsignedTransaction> <signedTransaction>
Command to send a signed transaction to the Timestamp Registry. The JWT is set in the headers. It's also possible to load the parameters from the saved variables by referencing the names.
- unsignedTransaction: JSON with the unsigned transaction.
- signedTransaction: Signed transaction in raw format.
timestamp sendSignedTransaction {"from":"0x6b...} 0xf9022...
timestamp sendSignedTransaction utx sgntx
Track and Trace API
tnt get <url>
Command to make http GET calls to Track and Trace API. All endpoints are open to the public.
- url: Path to get.
tnt get /documents
tnt get /documents/0x12ab...
tnt head /accesses?creator=did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz
tnt head <url>
Command to make http HEAD calls to Track and Trace API. It is used to check if a DID is authorised to create documents.
- url: Path for head.
tnt head /accesses?creator=did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz
tnt authoriseDid <senderDid> <authorisedDid> <whiteList>
Command to authorise a new DID to create documents in Track and Trace. This operation is restricted to Support Office and other admins in the allowlist. This operation requires an access token with tnt_authorise
- senderDid: DID of the authoriser.
- authorisedDid: DID of the new entity to be registered.
- whiteList: Boolean defining if the entity is authorised or not.
tnt authoriseDid did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz did:ebsi:znbuGDt6tEqpGZNAuGc2uvZ true
tnt createDocument <documentHash> <documentMetadata> <creator> <timestamp> <timestampProof>
Command to create a new document in Track and Trace. This operation requires an access token with tnt_create
- documentHash: Document hash.
- documentMetadata: Document metadata.
- creator: DID of the creator.
- timestamp (optional): External timestamp. By default it uses the timestamp from the blockchain
- timestampProof (optional): Proof for the external timestamp. By default it uses the block number from the blockchain.
tnt createDocument 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c my-metadata did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz
tnt createDocument 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c my-metadata did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz 2024-01-01 0xae3e3d2c20698c1ebf7888b3c965cf1f30834307b7396b966c9abc11996e13ef
tnt removeDocument <documentHash>
Command to remove a document from Track and Trace. This operation must be done by the creator of the document and requires an access token with tnt_write
- documentHash: Document hash.
tnt removeDocument 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c
tnt grantAccess <documentHash> <grantedBy> subject> <permission>
Command to grant write or delegate access to other DIDs. This operation requires an access token with tnt_write
scope. The "delegate" permission can be granted only by the creator of the document. And the "write" permission can be granted by the creator or by accounts with "delegate" permission.
- documentHash: Document hash.
- grantedBy: DID that grants the permission.
- subject: DID that receives the permission.
- permission: It should be "write" (to write events) or "delegate" (to be able to grant write access to other DIDs)
tnt grantAccess 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz did:ebsi:znbuGDt6tEqpGZNAuGc2uvZ write
tnt grantAccess 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz did:key:z2dmzD81cgPx8Vki7JbuuMmFYrWPgYoytykUZ3eyqht1j9KbqS4dNpBRgwn9zaxGz7jY78W4oFkooFwjY1pCFKhUD1xHzawy4g5H2665VZ3onWGWu1xD6MjGR72EP3WrQkSWXgu2ZfGjGngQuefxpMqrYPGX5U8eFHxj6baBE3neZLqyrL delegate
tnt revokeAccess <documentHash> <revokedBy> subject> <permission>
Command to revoke access to an account for a particular document. The revocation must be done by the account granted it in the first place or by the creator of the document. This operation requires an access token with tnt_write
- documentHash: Document hash.
- revokedBy: DID that grants the permission.
- subject: DID that receives the permission.
- permission: It should be "write" (to write events) or "delegate" (to be able to grant write access to other DIDs)
tnt revokeAccess 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz did:ebsi:znbuGDt6tEqpGZNAuGc2uvZ write
tnt writeEvent <documentHash> <externalHash> <sender> <origin> <metadata> <timestamp> <timestampProof>
Command to write an event in a document. The sender must have the "write" permission and requires an access token with tnt_write
- documentHash: Document hash.
- externalHash: External hash.
- sender: DID submitting the event.
- origin: company name or point to other event.
- metadata: Event metadata.
- timestamp (optional): External timestamp. By default it uses the timestamp from the blockchain
- timestampProof (optional): Proof for the external timestamp. By default it uses the block number from the blockchain.
tnt writeEvent 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c 0x9265031a923088137405ffc270a56bf2d4df87495eada46257352356071b009e did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz my-origin my-metadata
tnt writeEvent 0x29210da926cbf151a09e1c4f8eb9e5c55836016260f5cfa1e2c8c184c6e1943c 0x9265031a923088137405ffc270a56bf2d4df87495eada46257352356071b009e did:ebsi:zkqR9GCLrLYbkubAjuqQZAz my-origin my-metadata 2024-01-01 0xae3e3d2c20698c1ebf7888b3c965cf1f30834307b7396b966c9abc11996e13ef
Trusted Issuers Registry API
tir get <url>
Command to GET in the Trusted Issuers Registry API.
- url: Path to get.
tir get /issuers
tir get /issuers/did:ebsi:12a...
tir (build-)setAttributeMetadata <did> <attributeId> <issuerType> <tao> <taoAttributeId>
Command to pre-register a new issuer in the registry. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires trust chain rights in the Trusted Issuers Registry.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
tir build-insertIssuer
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
tir sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- did: DID of the new issuer.
- attributeId: New attribute ID.
- issuerType: Issuer type. It must be ti, tao, roottao, or revoked.
- tao: DID of the parent issuer.
- taoAttributeId: Attribute ID that accredits the issuer parent as TAO.
tir (build-)setAttributeData <did> <attributeId> <attribute>
Command to register a verifiable credential new issuer in the registry. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires trust chain rights in the Trusted Issuers Registry.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
tir build-insertIssuer
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
tir sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- did: DID of the issuer.
- attributeId: Attribute ID.
- attribute: Verifiable credential in JWT.
tir (build-)addIssuerProxy <did> <proxyData>
Command to register an issuer proxy. This proxy must be up and running and reply VCs with StatusList2021. Use the (build-) prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID of the issuer.
- proxyData: JSON object containing the proxy data.
tir addIssuerProxy user.did {"prefix": "","headers":{"Authorization": "Bearer ABC"}, "testSuffix": "/credentials/status/1"}
tir (build-)updateIssuerProxy <did> <proxyId> <proxyData>
Command to update an issuer proxy. This proxy must be up and running and reply VCs with StatusList2021. Use the (build-) prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID of the issuer.
- proxyId: Proxy ID to update.
- proxyData: JSON object containing the proxy data.
tir (build-)removeIssuerProxy <did> <proxyId>
Command to remove an issuer proxy. Use the (build-) prefix to just call the API helper without signing the transaction.
- did: DID of the issuer.
- proxyId: Proxy ID to remove.
tir sendSignedTransaction <unsignedTransaction> <signedTransaction>
Command to send a signed transaction to the Trusted Issuers Registry. The JWT is set in the headers. It's also possible to load the parameters from the saved variables by referencing the names.
- unsignedTransaction: JSON with the unsigned transaction.
- signedTransaction: Signed transaction in raw format.
tir sendSignedTransaction {"from":"0x6b...} 0xf9022...
tir sendSignedTransaction utx sgntx
Trusted Policies Registry API
tpr get <url>
Command to GET in the Trusted Policies Registry API.
- url: Path to get.
tpr get /policies
tpr get /users/0x12f...
tpr insertUserAttributes <user> <attributes>
Command to assign attributes to an user. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires the Operator Role in the Trusted Policies Registry. Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction.
- user: Ethereum address of the user.
- attributes: List of policies to be assigned to the user.
tpr deleteUserAttribute <user> <attribute>
Command to remove an attribute from an user. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires the Operator Role in the Trusted Policies Registry. Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction.
- user: Ethereum address of the user.
- attribute: Policy name to be removed from the user.
tpr insertPolicy <policyName> <description>
Command to insert a policy. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires the Operator Role in the Trusted Policies Registry. Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction.
- policyName: Policy Name.
- description: Policy description.
tpr updatePolicy <policyIdorName> <description>
Command to update a policy. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires the Operator Role in the Trusted Policies Registry. Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction.
- policyIdorName: Policy ID or Policy Name.
- description: Policy description.
tpr deactivatePolicy <policyIdorName>
Command to deactivate a policy. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires the Operator Role in the Trusted Policies Registry. Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction.
- policyIdorName: Policy ID or Policy Name.
tpr activatePolicy <policyIdorName>
Command to activate a policy. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires the Operator Role in the Trusted Policies Registry. Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction.
- policyIdorName: Policy ID or Policy Name.
Trusted Schemas Registry API
tsr get <url>
Command to GET in the Trusted Schemas Registry API.
- url: Path to get.
tsr get /schemas
tsr get /schemas/0x12f...
tsr (build-)insertSchema <schema> <metadata>
Command to insert a new schema. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires admin rights in the Trusted Schemas Registry. The schema id is computed based on the schema (see schema lifecycle).
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
tsr build-insertSchema
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
tsr sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- schema (optional): JSON schema. By default it uses a random schema.
- metadata (optional): JSON metadata. By default is uses random metadata.
tsr insertSchema
tsr insertSchema {"@context":"","type":"schema"} {"metadata":"data"}
tsr (build-)updateSchema <schemaId> <schema> <metadata>
Command to update an schema. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires admin rights in the Trusted Schemas Registry.
Use the build-
prefix to call the API helper to build the transaction. If this prefix is not set then the command will perform the following steps:
- call
tsr build-updateSchema
to build an unsigned transaction. - call
compute signTransaction
to sign the transaction with the user defined inusing user
. - call
tsr sendSignedTransaction
to send the transaction signed. - call
view transactionInfo
to see relevant data for this transaction.
- schemaId: Schema ID.
- schema (optional): JSON schema. By default it uses a random schema.
- metadata (optional): JSON metadata. By default is uses random metadata.
tsr updateSchema
tsr updateSchema 0x12f... {"@context":"","type":"schema"} {"metadata":"data"}
tsr (build-)updateMetadata <schemaId> <metadata>
Command to update the metadata of an schema. The JWT is set in the headers. This method requires admin rights in the Trusted Schemas Registry.
- schemaId: Schema ID.
- metadata: new JSON metadata.
tsr sendSignedTransaction <unsignedTransaction> <signedTransaction>
Command to send a signed transaction to the Trusted Schemas Registry. The JWT is set in the headers. It's also possible to load the parameters from the saved variables by referencing the names.
- unsignedTransaction: JSON with the unsigned transaction.
- signedTransaction: Signed transaction in raw format.
tsr sendSignedTransaction {"from":"0x6b...} 0xf9022...
tsr sendSignedTransaction utx sgntx
Tool for Trusted Nodes List
This tool is used by Support Office and the Service Ops Manager to check the status of the nodes in the network.
tnl health <domain>
Command to check the health of the apis of a specific domain.
- domain: Domain to check
tnl health
tnl healthNodes <nodes>
Command to check the health of a list of nodes. It returns 2 arrays. One with the values validated (apis and explorer), and another array with the failed values.
- nodes: Array of nodes, where each node is an object containing apis, apps, explorer, and country.
resultHealth: tnl healthNodes [{"apis":"","apps":"","explorer":"","country":"eu"}]