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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain

Define the scope of your project

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The first step towards defining your solution is to identify the project's goals and how Verifiable Credentials and EBSI can contribute to achieving those goals. Below is a table designed to guide you in defining your project. It includes questions and provides links to additional resources from other use cases for inspriration. Complete the template to:

  • Define the problems you aim to tackle and the opportunities you forsee.
  • Detail your project's goals and justify the need for a cross-border solution.
  • Specify the Verifiable Credentials your project plans to use.

Remember to be thorough in filling out Section 1 Template #1 below. It is important to provide a clear and concise description of your use case, taking into consideration your target audience, technical requirements and potential hurdles.

Section 1 Template #1

QuestionsYour AnswersSupporting information
What is the business problem you are trying to solve?answerRefer to our Verifiable Credentials Success Stories for inspiration.
What opportunities are linked to your business problem?answer
What are the ambitions and objectives of the project?answerRefer to our Verifiable Credentials Success Stories for inspiration.
Is your project cross-border? If not, are there any plans for your project to become cross-border?answerRefer to our Verifiable Credentials Success Stories for inspiration.
What kind of Verifiable Credentials will be issued or exchanged in your project?answerYou can find a list of supported Verifiable Credentials here. If your Verifiable Credentials are not supported, consult the page to learn how to propose a new data model.

After completing Section 1 Template #1, please proceed to Identify the actors of your ecosystem.