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The JSON-RPC API provides methods assisting the construction of blockchain transactions and interaction with the ledger.



The body follows the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification.

It requires the following fields:

  • jsonrpc: must be exactly "2.0"
  • method: method to be invoked
  • params: method parameters
  • id: identifier established by the client

API Methods


Call to build an unsigned transaction to insert a policy in the registry. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • opType: operation type. 0 = "AND", 1 = "OR"
  • policyName: name of the policy.
  • description: description.
  • policyConditions: array of condition objects:
    • name: name of the condition
    • attributeName: name of the attribute on which it applies
    • value: value to compare to
    • typeOfValue: value type. 0 = "UINT256", 1 = "BYTES", 2 = "ADDRESS", 3= "BYTES32", 4 = "STRING", 5 = "BOOLEAN"
    • attributeOperation: operation to apply. 0 = "EQUAL"


Call to build an unsigned transaction to update a policy. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • policyId: Policy ID
  • policyName: Policy Name
  • opType: operation type. 0 = "AND", 1 = "OR"
  • description: description.

Use either policyId OR policyName to identify the policy, but not both.


Call to build an unsigned transaction to add conditions to an existing policy in the registry. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • policyId: Policy ID
  • policyName: Policy Name
  • policyConditions: array of condition objects:
    • name: name of the condition
    • attributeName: name of the attribute on which it applies
    • value: value to compare to
    • typeOfValue: value type. 0 = "UINT256", 1 = "BYTES", 2 = "ADDRESS", 3= "BYTES32", 4 = "STRING", 5 = "BOOLEAN"
    • attributeOperation: operation to apply. 0 = "EQUAL"

Use either policyId OR policyName to identify the policy, but not both.


Call to build an unsigned transaction to delete a condition from an existing policy in the registry. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • policyId: Policy ID
  • policyName: Policy Name
  • policyConditionId:: ID of the policy condition to remove

Use either policyId OR policyName to identify the policy, but not both.


Call to build an unsigned transaction to deactivate a policy in the registry. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • policyId: ID of the policy to deactivate
  • policyName: Policy Name

Use either policyId OR policyName to identify the policy, but not both.


Call to build an unsigned transaction to activate a policy in the registry. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • policyId: ID of the policy to activate
  • policyName: Policy Name

Use either policyId OR policyName to identify the policy, but not both.


Call to build an unsigned transaction to insert user attributes in the registry. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • address: user address
  • attributeNames: attribute names
  • attributeValues: attribute values


Call to build an unsigned transaction to update an user attribute in the registry. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • address: user address
  • attributeName: attribute name
  • attributeValue: attribute value


Call to build an unsigned transaction to delete an user attribute in the registry. This method requires OPERATOR ROLE in the Trusted Policies Registry.


  • from: Ethereum address of the signer
  • address: user address
  • attributeName: attribute name


Call to send a signed transaction to the blockchain.

    jsonrpc stringrequired

    Must be exactly "2.0"

    method stringrequired

    Method that needs to be invoked

    params object[]required

    Array of parameters

    id integerrequired

    Identifier established by the client



    jsonrpc string

    Must be exactly "2.0"

    id integer

    Same identifier established by the client in the call

    result object

    Result of the call
