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A new version of this API is now available.

EBSI will stop supporting this maintenance version in the upcoming months. You can find the details of the upcoming release and affected endpoints in the change log. Please contact if this upcoming release might cause a high impact on either an ongoing development or a piloting demonstration.

Trusted Issuers Registry API v3

The Trusted Issuers Registry (TIR) is a generic decentralised registry that maintains information about trusted issuers, including public data, accreditations and other relevant details. This information is stored in the smart contract as Attribute Envelopes (similar to Verifiable Credentials), which can be issued by Trusted Issuers or self-issued. Validation of generic Envelopes (like Verifiable Credentials) occurs outside the EBSI Platform. Issuers can define proxies used during credential verification to check if credentials are still valid or have been revoked. The verification flow is detailed in the Credential Status Framework.

The EBSI Trusted Issuers Registry (TIR) is a core EBSI service that enables the validation of identities and accreditations of Trusted Issuers.

The TIR smart contract is deployed on the permissioned EBSI ledger, which combines public accessibility with the highest levels of trust and transparency. The design of EBSI's Ledger ensures high availability due to its redundancy, eliminates single points of failure, and provides transparency, traceability, immutability and cryptographic security. The immutable nature of the ledger allows for verification of an issuer's eligibility to issue a specific Verifiable Credential, Claim or Attestation at a given time.

The TIR service consists of a smart contract (TIR SC) and API (TIR API). The TIR SC is an Ethereum smart contract deployed on the EBSI ledger. All public smart contract methods are accessible via APIs. Two types of APIs are provided: JSON-RPC for write operations and REST for the read operations. The TIR API enables the management and verification of Trusted Issuers' information and accreditations. Note that the accreditation of Trusted Issuers domain-specific and falls outside the EBSI scope.


Security Scheme Type:http
HTTP Authorization Scheme:bearer
Bearer format:JWT

