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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain
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List records



Returns a list of records.


Query Parameters
    page[after] string

    Cursor that points to the end of the page of data that has been returned.

    page[size] integer

    Defines the maximum number of objects that may be returned.

    first-version string

    Filter records by first version hash

    Example: 0xd301a3ed77f70f18511ce5e4cf1895b1a38622c8d177b6b06a66c593a836a000
    owner string

    Filter records by owner address

    Example: 0x94e88a60f272309fdedef19498d8e05b3f632f9f



    self string

    URI to records

    items object[]

    List of records

  • Array [
  • recordId string

    ID of the record (multibase base64url encoded)

    href string

    Link to the resource

  • ]
  • total integer

    Total number of items in a collection

    pageSize integer

    Number of items to be returned per page

    links object

    Links model used for pagination.

    last string

    URI of the last page

    prev string

    URI of the previous page

    next string

    URI of the next page

    first string

    URI of the first page
